Born in a country teaming with wildlife Zimbabwe gave me an excellent introduction to conservation and wildlife management. From early childhood I had wanted to be involved with animals and especially with large carnivores like lions and other predators. Lions have followed me in my career from working my way up to General Manager for a world-famous Sanctuary, close to Harare to working with the rare white lions of Timbavati in South Africa.
My professional background
I have had the opportunity to work in many parts of Africa which includes working with wildlife sanctuaries, private and governmental reserves, zoological centers and co-owning an Anti-poaching Unit protecting rhino and a wildlife film company. I am extremely excited and proud to be trusted with the position of Conservation Manager for Worldwide Zoo Consultants whilst working on an extremely important conservation initiative in Saudi Arabia. I have a certification in chemical restraint of wild animals and a Zoology certification. Lecturing on conservation issues and passing on 25 years of wildlife experience forms a part of my professional portfolio. Totally dedicated to the preservation of this planet’s natural resources, I find my hobbies revolve around wildlife projects.
What I do on my spare time
I enjoy clay modeling, photography and writing animal stories.